some of my friend just searching the template design by others. and then they keep asking me about the color code(hex color), so after keep searching the most suitable code for beginner, actually i have the code , but had in my broken laptop, sorry =) . that code actually more helping, but till i repair that laptop, try to using this hex =) , errr , do u know how to locate the color code for the font in the template coding? ok, try to make it easier, copy your template and send it to me. ouh, dont forget to mention your blogs that need me to help u , ok?
p/a: wonder who would i give the credit for the hex here it
2.then , it send me to
3. the hex is belong to
so, i just giving the credit to all of them. fair enough said? lol .trying it 1st ok?
2 kutukan:
xreti plak nk kutuk2 ne..ishh..cmne eh nk kutuk org..hahaha yg ni pasal kutuk orang ke? =.=
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